Prevailing Word Ministries
"Center of Release"
Welcome Prevailing Word Ministries!
The Prevailing Word Ministries was given to Rev. Dr. Albert G. Grahn through God mandating him to begin with devotion in Sand Town Community, Paynesville City in 2003 and it continues in 2006. In 2009, August 9, God finally instructed him to begin the Prevailing Word Ministries with six (6) members on a porch, later moved in an unfinished building owned by Isaac Hinneh, when the call of God were seem on his life, negotiation was made between the family and the Church to use their property for said purpose.
Our Founder Message
Message from our Founder, Rev. Dr. Albert Great Grahn
Rev. Dr. Albert Great Grahn is the founder of Prevailing Word ministries Inc. In Sand Town Community, Paynesville, Liberia, and West Africa; Prevailing Word University College; CEO of the Needy Children of Liberia (NECOL) Chairman of the Ministers and Churches Development Association (MACDA); Secretary of the Founder Cooperative Development Association (FCDA) and Proprietor of the Prevailing Word School System.
Rev. Dr. Grahn is married to Pastor Jenneh K. Grah with several spiritual Children. Dr. Grahn is a graduate of the International Miracle Institute (IMI, USA) with Doctor in Christian Theology, Master in Christian Theology; BA – Biblical Studies; Associate in Christian Theology, BA/CED Christian Education College of Pastoral Studies and with several certificates from National and International Institutions, Postgraduate Diploma, Education & School Management, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, Certificate of School Manager, School Manager Association of Nigeria.

We believe in the Holy Bible as the inspired word of God, without any errors, that all –sufficient authority in matter of faith doctrine and Christian living.
We believe in the one God who came as man through Jesus Christ and came as an empowerment of man in the Holy Spirit, so we believe in God the father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
We believe in God, eternally existing in three persons. The Father, Son, and the Holy Spirits.
We believe only in the holy bible as our authority and the only true word of God.
We believe in the virgin birth of Christ, and that he is true God and man. He died on the cross for our sins. He rose bodily from the dead, and ascended into heaven where he sits at the right hand of the father and is now our advocate.
Ordinance: we believe in ordinance because our God is God of order. We believed in the creation of God, for this reason we love order in the Ministry. (Gen. 1:1-31).
Divine Healing: We believed in the healing of sicknesses and diseases as are provided for God’s people in the atonement.