History of our school

The Prevailing Word School System is a Christian institution established by Rev. Dr. Albert G. Grahn through tutorial classes in Paynesville in an unfinished building 2009 with a aim to help the under privileged Liberians who are denied education opportunities, from June 18, 2009 up to present, the Institutions had been helping numerous parents and their children with free education reason been,  I was disowned by my biological father at the age of 5 years and denied education, the PWSS is must discipline Christian institution with a very high growing students population, is owned and operated by the Prevailing Word Ministries Inc.

Thanks to our Honourable pastor (Rev. Dr. Albert G. Grahn) who versioned the establishment of this Institution.

Religious Affairs

  • At least twice a semester the student shall be invited to celebrate with the Prevailing Word Ministries or at an appropriate site.
  • Spiritual counselling shall be available for students who may want it.
  • Sound moral values are the mark of the Prevailing Word School System (PWSS)



Types of Misconduct

Violation or attempted violations include, but are not limited to the following types of misconduct. These violations may warrant suspension or expulsion as is deemed necessary:

Academic dishonesty | Cheating | Academic Misconduct | Physical Abuse | Harassment | Disorderly conduct | Alcohol | Weapons | Controlled substances | False Information


Admission Requirements

Students must pass entrance examination and provide the following:

1. A letter of Application
2. Two letters of recommendation (One from a church and then second from the last school attended.
3. Two passport size photos
4. Transcript (last school attended.)
5. Last School attended Principal name and contact number.

The faculties are made up to instructor of high calibre of Universities and Polytechnic Graduates.

The institution has a Vice Principal for Students Affairs who will help advice and guide a student through any academic problem he/ she may encounter. Should a student have problem of any kind, the Vice Principal for Students Affairs (VPSA) should be approached for advice, before approaching others members of the administration.