The Prevailing Word University College is committed to serving the people of Liberia in an environment dedicated to student’s success. The College has an open admission policy and is focused on educational excellence and the achievement of equity among the various populations served. 

The College strives to promote in students a sense  of responsibility for their own development and an understanding of their obligations as members of a democratic society. The College fosters in students the desire to learn, the ability to think clearly and express themselves effectively, the habit of analytical and reflective thought, and an awareness of themselves, their heritage , Biblical education, and their environment. 

Vision Statement

The College with its focus on student success has been recognized as a “National Leaders within the higher education community in providing decentralized quality education.

Mission Statement

Prevailing Word University College –“Prevailing above Illiteracy Making Good Leaders for Tomorrow”. –Our mission is guided by our commitment to empower students to achieve their goals by providing access to high quality and affordable higher education to the people of Liberia


 We remain grateful to Dr. Albert G. Grahn, for the establishment of “The Prevailing Word University College,” or simply, “PWUC” in honour of the ministries which is giving birth to this institution. The PWUC is established to battle the high rate of illiteracy in our country and the sub –region. The college’s is affordable and will higher enable parents of low income to boast of educated children in the Country. Additionally, the need to establish this college is as a result of both colleges and universities being Monrovia based in Liberia. PWUC will be ideally located across the Country to enhance the learning capacity of young people in the hinterland thereby increasing enrolment of both men and women at higher learning institutions. The college will reach out to the remotest parts of the Country to illuminate sub–region with sound minds and potential leaders. 

As many parents or young adults are not to settle in Monrovia before seeking higher education, the PWUC will reach out in their backyards to reduce over crowdedness in the already congested city of Monrovia. This strategy is also in support of the Liberia Government Decentralization policy as students will grow up and achieve higher education and work to earn their living in their counties of origin.

With data provided above in the population analysis and as stated already, the PWUC is mainly focusing on the rural areas but with headquarters in Montserrado County. As the programs get larger and grounded, rural branches are set to be open. 

The Prevailing Word University College is dully accredited by the Government of Liberia through the National Commission on Higher Education in Liberia. PWUC is a recognized institution in Liberia, you are welcome to do business with the PWUC